Being able to hang laundry properly is an art in itself. With these seven practical tips, shirts, trousers and everything else that ends up on the clothes close line dry faster and without annoying creases.
Create enough space
First of all, a general tip for hanging up laundry: In order for laundry to dry faster, it is important to leave enough space between the individual items. This way, the moist air does not accumulate between the layers of fabric. If the clothes are hanging outside, the wind can blow better between pants, sweaters and the like and dry them faster.
Hang up shirts with hangers
Shirts, dresses, but also jackets and blouses are particularly prone to creasing. Therefore, they should be dried on a hanger. Shake each piece properly before hanging so that the fabric doesn’t overlap and press against each other. The sleeves should be on the outside, otherwise, they will stay moist for a long time. Make sure that the collar lies correctly as it dries.
Hang shirts and sweaters on the lower waistband
A big mistake some people make when hanging laundry: hanging t-shirts, shirts, and sweaters on their shoulders. It is much more practical if you hang the items of clothing on the lower waistband. This also allows the sleeves to dry optimally and there are fewer creases in the fabric. The unsightly crease on the shoulder caused by the clothespin is also avoided.
Hang up trousers with Pegs
The clothespins are important when hanging up laundry. Trousers, skirts, joggers, shorts and anything that has a thick waistband should be hung with two clips. Fasten the garments so that only the back part of the waistband is attached to the leash and the front part hangs loosely down.
Dry knitwear lying flat
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Cardigans and wool sweaters are not only very sensitive when washing. You should also exercise caution when hanging the laundry. Always dry knitwear lying down, otherwise it will lose its shape and bulge. Due to the fact that the fabric lies on top of one another, but also due to the thickness of the material, drying usually takes a little longer in this case.
Hang socks on the top
In order for socks to dry quickly, you need to hang them properly. This is how it works: Shake the sock out so that it is no longer rolled up or the fabric overlaps. Then hang them on top with a clothespin. Some drying racks also have special sock holders into which the stockings can be easily clamped. If you don’t feel like fixing each sock individually with a clothes peg, you can put it on your clothes horse over two lines.
Hang sheets and towels outside
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It is particularly difficult to dry large items such as duvet covers, towels or tablecloths. When hanging the laundry outside, the opening of the duvet covers should face the wind. The cover inflates, dries quickly and without wrinkles. Always hang towels and tablecloths at two corners with a clip so that they fall as smoothly as possible.
Unfortunately, prints left by clothespins cannot be avoided. However, if you place the staples in inconspicuous places like a seam, the prints won’t catch your eye as quickly. If you rub the affected fabric lightly together when you hang up the laundry, the marks will be minimized.
Tip: You can also place a cotton ball between the clamp and the fabric. This is another way of reducing footprints. You can use the cotton balls several times without any problems.